The two Daily Show alums Stephen Colbert and John Oliver joined forces to take on what Colbert called, “Wow, That Was Weird: A Post-Election Evening with Stephen Colbert and John Oliver.”


The 90-minute special saw Colbert discuss his live election results show from Nov. 8 and how ill-prepared he was for a Donald Trump win. It was the “hardest thing he has ever done” in his career, Colbert explained, after being extremely pro-Democratic and pro-Hillary Clinton throughout the election campaign months.

He also explained that he didn’t have a plan for the show that had Trump winning. They had prepared three show paths – one for a Hillary win, one where it was too close to call, and one where it seemed like Trump might be winning but it was still unclear. So of course Trump capturing both Ohio and Florida threw Colbert for a loop. He said it became impossible to joke with the audience, many of whom were crying along with the crew of the show.

In the post-election special, Colbert addressed all of this and took questions from the audience. “How f—ed are we?” one audience-member asked. “It’s impossible to say. We’re not in the prediction game,” replied Oliver. “But I don’t know if there is too much concrete evidence to be too comfortable going forward.”

“This whole thing about ‘give him a chance,'” Colbert added. “I’m all for give him a chance, but don’t give him an inch. Because I believed everything he said and I remember everything he said, and it’s horrifying.”

The somber night began with a light-hearted pillow fight between the late night alums, Colbert’s decorated with the Stars and Stripes, and Oliver’s with the Union Jack.

Watch Colbert’s brief and sad monologue from election night below.

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