Kesha is opening up about the life-threatening experience she went through when she recently froze her eggs. 

“I almost died in January,” she told Self.

Last year, Kesha made the decision to freeze her eggs. A while after the procedure, she was performing in the Bahamas for New Year’s Eve. After the concert, she suddenly became very weak, to the point where she couldn’t walk anymore. She ended up in the hospital. 

When doctors were examing her they “discovered that she had developed an uncommon yet serious complication from the fertility procedure.” This caused Kesha’s immune system to weaken.

She later transferred to a different hospital in Miami and was in recovery for nine days. She recalls the entire experience as “horrifying.” 

She also was not sure about speaking about what happened to her publicly because she was afraid people would it interpret it as a statement on reproductive health. In the interview, she emphasized that everyone, “should decide whether, and when, to give birth on their own terms.”

“I just was taking my reproductive health into my own hands. And I stand by everyone doing that and [honoring] your body,” she said.

Kesha talked about being diagnosed with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID). This is a serious illness because she is at a high risk of developing severe infections.

CVID is connected to many autoimmune issues, where the immune system will attack the healthy parts of the body while simultaneously protecting it. This causes a variety of symptoms, including digestive problems, sluggishness, or more serious ones such as respiratory infections, which can lead to lung disease. 

She also spoke about her struggles with bulimia, which she is currently recovering from.

As a part of her treatment, she also mediates, especially before going on stage. She also does EMDR therapy, which entails moving your eyes and tapping your body, which is done with a therapist. The purpose of the motions is to heal from a traumatic experience by reprocessing your experience. 

Last week, Kesha announced she had settled her decade-long lawsuit against her former producer Dr. Luke, who she had accused of raping her.

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