Ever since actor Jared Leto was awarded the coveted role of The Joker for DC Comics’ upcoming movie Suicide Squad, fans and movie critics alike have been wondering how Leto would portray the famous villain, after Jack Nicholson and the late Heath Ledger have played him in past movies. Ledger went on to win a posthumous Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his portrayal in The Dark Knight.

Jared Leto’s First Look As The Joker Appears On Empire Magazine

Today, Empire Magazine released the first look at how Leto will look for The Joker on their front cover. At first look, he is wearing no suit but a purple robe and sweatpants that don the letters “ARKHAM” with no shoes. His tattoos also have “JOKER” across his chest and the word “Damaged” across his forehead with various designs drawn onto his body.

Leto stated to ComicBookMovie.com that shooting the film took a toll on his physical and mental capabilities but felt great doing the role at the same time. “There was definitely a period of detachment,” Leto said. “I took a pretty deep dive. But this was a unique opportunity and I couldn’t imagine doing it another way. It was fun, playing those psychological games. But at the same time, it was very painful, like giving birth out of my prick hole.” Co-star Will Smith, who will portray Deadshot, has said that Leto would not break character while shooting was going on in the film and co-star Margot Robbie said that Leto sent her a dead rat through the mail.

Suicide Squad is slated for release on August 5, 2016.

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Ryan Kappy

Article by Ryan Kappy

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