Paula Abdul Returns To ‘American Idol’ After Luke Bryan Tests Positive For COVID-19
Paula Abdul returned to American Idol as a guest judge judge this week, replacing Luke Bryan while he was out with COVID-19.
“The secret’s out… I’m beyond excited to make my return to the judges desk on @AmericanIdol TONIGHT Stay tuned at 8|7c on @abcnetwork,” Abdul wrote on Instagram.
This was the first time Abdul has returned to the judges table since the show’s original run on Fox. Abdul judged alongside Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson from Seasons 1 through 8. Jackson surprised fans too by Facetiming into the show to chat with Abdul and host, Ryan Seacrest.
Bryan revealed he had tested positive for COVID-19 and would be absent from the show on Twitter on Monday.
He tweeted again later that day wishing all of the contestants good luck.
The other shocking part of the episode was when Seacrest announced that Wyatt Pike would not be returning to the show, even after securing a top 12 spot.
“Before we get to the results, I have to tell you that finalist Wyatt Pike will not be competing in the competition. He had to drop out, but we wish him the very best,” said Seacrest.
A source told Billboard that Pike dropped out for “personal reasons.”
The April 19 episode will feature America voting live for the top 9, while Monday’s episode will be the first-ever “Comeback Show.”
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