Melissa McCarthy returned as an even angrier Sean Spicer in this week’s episode of Saturday Night Live. Last week, McCarthy won wild praise for her hilarious portrayal of Spicer at the podium.

McCarthy portrayed the White House press secretary as screaming and hostile. She addressed topics like the Muslim travel ban and Nordstrom’s decision to stop selling Ivanka Trump‘s clothing line.


“Spicer” said there was “light terrorism this week when Nordstrom’s decided to stop selling Ivanka Trump’s line of clothing and accessories.” Also, the media failed to report terrorist events such as the “Bowling Green Massacre” — a non-existent event claimed by Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway –   “Spicer” said.

McCarthy as Spicer then proceeded to talk about Donald Trump’s current meeting with the President of Japan. However, “he” was unable to pronounce any of the foreign names.

Spicer then introduced new Attorney General Jeff Sessions, played by Kate McKinnon in drag. “We all know there are two types of crime: regular and black,” Sessions said before being quickly taken off stage.

At the end of the sketch, McCarthy’s Spicer drove the podium into the crowd of reporters, getting angrier and angrier before breaking character to shout, “Welcome to New York, it’s Saturday Night!”

You can see McCarthy’s sketch here:

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