Despite reports of a falling out with Lorde, Australian Iggy Azalea claims that it is just another example of the American public not understanding her humor.

“I think a lot of times people don’t understand my humor over here and people think it’s me being bitchy. You would understand as a New Zealander, having a very dry sense of humor. I’m not usually not that worked up when people think I am,” she explained to New Zealand’s Remix Magazine.

She asserted that many of her “feuds” with celebrities were simply the media misinterpreting her words. She was quick to dismiss, specifically, the recent “feud” with Lorde.

“I almost collaborated with Lorde on this album! I sent her the song and it didn’t get done in time, but it’s one of my artistic goals to collaborate with her,” said Azalea. “There’s this one song I wrote for the album but it needed a female singer and she was my number one.”

Azalea’s upcoming album is called Digital Distortion and its second track, “Team,” was revealed recently.

She even added that Lorde was “totally keen” on doing it but, understandably, “busy with her own album.”

As the two female stars are a couple of the biggest names to come out of the Pacific in recent years, it is good to hear that the two are on good terms. Azalea is also known to be friends with pop singer Demi Lovato.

As for Azalea’s feuds, she didn’t speak about her most famous one, her never-ending war with Azealia Banks. But it seems towards Lorde Azalea has nothing but love.

“I hope it can happen,” said Azalea about recording with Lorde. “If not this album then another. I think she’s awesome.”

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Jenny C Lu

Article by Jenny C Lu

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