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Best Practices for Website Development with WordPress
In this blog, we will thoroughly explore and delve into the utmost significance and value of regularly updating WordPress plugins and themes. We will also extensively discuss and elaborate on the absolute necessity and requirement of utilizing and selecting a trusted and credible hosting provider for the sole purpose of achieving and attaining an optimal and superb level of website performance and functionality. Additionally, we cannot overlook and neglect another crucial and vital aspect to consider and take into account, which is the meticulous and thoughtful choice of a highly responsive, adaptable, and user-friendly WordPress theme that seamlessly aligns harmoniously with the overarching goals, objectives, and aspirations of the website, as well as catering and catering specifically to the defined and targeted audience with utmost precision and finesse.
1. Introduction
No programming knowledge is needed to use WordPress. The backend of the WordPress system is very easy to understand and includes adding popular features to your website such as an event calendar or video gallery. WordPress is updating their system regularly and it's very easy to add new features to your website from a vast number of downloadable plugins across the web.
WordPress gives you the optimum way of creating your own website as per your business needs. You can pick according to your spending plan as it provides two varied versions. You can start with WordPress.com. It is a solid, yet limited, method for publishing website content. Hosted by the makers at no cost, however with limited customization choices. On the other hand, if you want to fully customize your website, WordPress.org is your destination. You can download the WordPress software there and install it on your own server with full control and no cost limitations. This method represents the best value, yet expect to run into a number of challenges along the way.
WordPress is one of the best ways of launching a website or a blog. WordPress has proved its credibility by providing a secure and effective content management system to diverse businesses across the globe. If you are new to this game of websites and online business, this detailed essay will provide you with information about how to use WordPress in the most effective way.
1.1 Benefits of Using WordPress
WordPress can also help you to create a blog that can be integrated into your site, thus potentially reaching out to customers and increasing visitor traffic. By providing visitors useful information, your expertise in your field will be portrayed and this can help to increase sales. With increased sales and traffic, the return on investment can be substantial.
The time saving benefits can be quite persuasive for some clients. In the past, a web developer would be required to make content updates for the client. This takes time and coding changes like this will incur additional costs for the client. With WordPress, a client can log in to the site and make simple changes to content without needing to know HTML. If additional features need to be added later in time, the vast amount of plugins available allow for upgrades to be done quickly and efficiently and most of the time only require simple configuration. This in theory results in lower costs for the client.
Another benefit Website Development with WordPress, is that it is highly customizable. There are a plethora of plugins available to install which will add to the look, feel, and functionality of your site. You can also install a custom designed theme for a unique website that stands out, and have full control over HTML/CSS.
One of the most convincing reasons to use WordPress is search engine optimization. The code behind WordPress is very clean and simple, making it easy for search engines to read and index a site's content. In addition, each page, post, and image can have its own meta tag keyword, description, and title, and be optimized for specific keywords, allowing for very precise search engine optimization. You can also use tags to further enhance your search engine optimization efforts.
WordPress is an open-source platform that allows for use across a broad range of projects. There are many desirable benefits that can be identified with using WordPress, with the benefits that are delivered to the user or administrator being the most obvious.
1.2 Importance of Following Best Practices
Throughout this book, when creating your website you will come across various different recommendations we suggest you look into when it comes to website development. The biggest of them all is making sure you follow these best practices. "Best Practices" are a set of guidelines we have discovered to be the best way in doing something, essentially the most efficient and effective method. They also are a set of instructions that are designed to make sure you are doing something the correct way. In WordPress, following best practices for website development can really mean the difference between a good website and a great one. Not only can it make your life easier when working with your website, but more importantly it can make your website more efficient and effective. Throughout the rest of this chapter, we will go into some of these best practices that you should consider when building your website.
2. Planning and Design
To achieve the best possible website through the use of WordPress, it is important to thoroughly plan and design the site. Taking the time to plan out a design concept for the site will greatly increase the satisfaction with the end result. Start by listing various aspects of the site; this could include sections or pages of the site, and their corresponding functions. It's generally a good idea to get a rough idea of what you are looking to build from the customer. The clearer the picture of what they want, the easier it will be to design and build the site, and the more satisfied the customer will be. After you have an idea of what the site will consist of, organizing this information in a hierarchical fashion will help determine the layout of the site. This can be accomplished in a simple outline format. This will help determine the main "sections" of the site, as well as what pages are children of a section page. With this information in hand, you can now determine the best way to create a site that is easy to navigate and easy to manage.
2.1 Defining Goals and Objectives
Once a client decides to create or revamp a website, the first step in the process is about defining goals and objectives. No matter how great or small a project may be, it is crucial to identify these two points. Unfortunately, many clients have difficulty articulating what they want to accomplish. This could be due to a lack of knowledge on what is possible or a mere disconnect between the client and the web developer. For instance, a small business owner may want to have a website that acts as an online brochure and is built purely to drive traffic to offline retailers. He/she may not understand the importance of internet marketing and how well it can help accomplish that same goal. It is up to the web developer to explain the pros and cons of certain tactics and help the client understand what is possible. A successful website is one that meets its goals in both functionality and design. Later in the process, the goals and objectives will act as a point of reference while making key decisions. If an idea does not help meet a goal, it is likely not worth pursuing.
2.2 Creating a User-Friendly Navigation
The backbone to the user friendliness of your website is the ease at which your visitors can move around and find what they are looking for. Quite often a website is laden with information that is difficult to find because the navigation labels are unclear or the visitor is overwhelmed with too many choices. Organizations tend to create websites that appeal to themselves and the higher executives, however a successful website caters for the needs of everyone who visits it. When planning the navigation for your website, a very useful method to employ is card sorting. This involves writing the key content items onto pieces of card and then sorting them into categories that make sense to your users. This exercise can be done simply and quickly with a handful of users and can prevent much future frustration. A clear navigation should inform the visitors where they are, where they have been, and where they can go. This can be done with a breadcrumb trail and consistent navigation bars and menu. Another useful tool is creating a flow chart to visualize the way in which you intend to navigate your users around the site. Although it is essential to be innovative, users have become accustomed to certain patterns in web navigation and deviating too far from convention can alienate some. An analysis into the importance of search was conducted by Dogear found that users who use the internal search function are 3 times more likely to be able to find what they want compared to those who don't. This shows that a good search function is essential in helping your visitors find what they are looking for.
2.3 Designing an Attractive and Responsive Layout
Designing an attractive and responsive layout is increasingly important in the high-speed world of the internet, as it will determine whether potential customers stay and shop, or move on to your competitor's site. The old saying "don't judge a book by its cover" does not apply to website design, as this is the first thing a customer will see. A chaotic, cluttered, or overcomplicated layout will not provide a good first impression, and your potential customer will leave in search of a more user-friendly site. Layout is also crucial in giving a website a professional, corporate feel. Customers are unlikely to spend money on a site that doesn't look secure and is not visually professional-looking. Correct use of space, easy navigation, and a top-down design are easy ways to produce a quality layout that looks professional. Making a layout user-friendly is simple; it just requires putting yourself in the customer's shoes. Easy navigation is of the highest importance. If a customer gets lost or can't find what they are looking for, they will look elsewhere. A successful layout should lead the customer to where you want them to go, or where they want to go in as few clicks as possible. E-commerce sites should always have a link to the shopping cart from every page. This is an example of how ease of access is likely to increase sales on an item the customer may have bought impulsively.
3. Content Creation and Optimization
The last thing you should consider is the quality and style of writing. You do not need to write a long article to make it interesting; an article does not have to be a flood of words. But the most important thing is the content. Sometimes you should give a bit of opinion if you write an article because readers will be pleased if the author contributes an opinion in their writing. And the most important thing is to make an enticing opening that will make the reader curious to continue reading your article. Giving a good closing will also make the reader have a good impression of your article and possibly it could be one factor that makes them return to your blog. High-quality and interesting articles are not instant things; they require extra effort to make. If you manage to make a high-quality article, then it will increase the traffic to your blog.
The next thing is spelling and grammar. Proper spelling and grammar are basic things, but they still affect readers' satisfaction with your blog. Always use the spell check feature before publishing your article. Check the grammar as well to ensure your article is correct. This is very important but often underestimated by article writers. And if your article has good grammar and spelling, then there is no doubt the reader will be satisfied with it and possibly it could be one of the factors that make them return to your blog.
It is not enough that you have numerous articles, but the most important thing is that you should have a high-quality article. Make sure that you have good grammar and spelling. Also, it is best recommended to use shorter sentences and paragraphs and more bullet points. In this point, we should always keep in mind to make an article that has clear information. If your article is easy to understand and clear, the readers will be satisfied and keep coming to your blog to seek more information. However, if your article is difficult to understand and does not provide a clear picture, it will only make the reader unsatisfied and they will decide to look for another website. Other things you should consider are the relevance of content. If your article's theme is about a tutorial, then the article should be made more practical and provide step-by-step pictures to make it more understandable.
3.1 Writing High-Quality and Engaging Content
Note that modern search engines have a preference for content that is well written and updated frequently. This means that as you follow these recommendations, you may see better search engine rankings and more indexed pages. High-quality content often translates into higher revenues for online businesses. This is always a good thing.
After answering these questions, you'll have a better understanding of your writing goals and of the intended audience. This knowledge will dictate what writing style you should apply and what kind of information you should provide. For example, a post meant for teenagers about identifying depression should have a different tone and choice of words than one about the same topic intended for medical students.
Before you write, think about the message of your piece. What do you want to tell your readers, and why? What information is essential, and what is excessive? Consider who your audience is and what they want to know. A post about how to install a memory card is meant for a different audience than one about memory types, written for the PC hardware hobbyist.
The quality of your website's content is paramount for engaging your visitors and for showing your website's relevance to search engines. A post or page that is well written and easy to understand will be more effective both for human visitors and for search engine bots. The recommendations here explain how to make your writing engaging, accurate, and concise.
3.2 Optimizing Content for Search Engines
At present, the percentage of web users who rely on search engines to derive information is staggeringly high. In fact, the nature of search has become so integrated into mass consciousness that people have grown wary of simply clicking on banner advertisements for fear of being misdirected. As a result, it is imperative to call attention to the various methods one can employ to optimize content in order to achieve higher search engine positions. Keyword research is the first step one should take to ensure an optimal search engine position. By employing resources such as wordtracker.com, one can gain insight into the popularity and frequency of certain search terms. Oftentimes, one will attempt to describe their content using phrases that are never actually typed into a search engine. This is the underlying rationale for researching keywords; in order to effectively describe content using terminology that is accurately reflective of what people are searching for. A selected group of competitive keywords should be incorporated into visible page text, as well as meta tags, alt tags and various file names to ensure the maximum saturation of content. Meta tags are designed to offer concise site summaries and site descriptions. While these attributes no longer hold weight in achieving search engine position, they are often displayed in search results and can impact clickthrough rates. Nevertheless, the most effective means of SEO through content optimization is the creation of high-quality content which is focused on selected keyword phrases. Heavily saturated "spammy" writing designed to manipulate search engine results can often result in a site being banned, or they can have a detrimental impact on human readability. Writing a well-focused article on a particular subject and using specific phraseology will serve to achieve strong search engine positions and enhance the overall quality of content. Note that the overall effectiveness of content optimization is predicated on the quality of keyword research and the effective use of selected keyword phrases.
3.3 Incorporating Multimedia Elements
While written content forms the core of a website's engagement with its viewers, multimedia elements help to enhance the user experience and create a richer environment for leisure browsing. When used effectively, multimedia elements could make a webpage more appealing, more interesting, and easier for visitors to comprehend. To ensure the best results, web developers need to carefully plan in advance as to what multimedia elements are appropriate to their webpages, taking into consideration the content of the site in circumstantial. The types of multimedia elements that could be embedded in a webpage are endless, varying from images and photo galleries, audio and video tracks to animation and flash tools, and each type requires different levels of effort to implement. This section will discuss the various types of multimedia elements that are more commonly used and provide guidelines as to the more effective use of each type.
3.4 Ensuring Proper Formatting and Readability
It's a good standard to align the text to the left, as it is most readable in Western culture. If you have text that is meant to be center-aligned and it's absolutely necessary, make an exception for it. But generally, consistent left alignment will provide a nice clean look to your content.
After your text is in WordPress, use hard returns and new paragraphs to separate text. Avoid abusing the new line and spacing elements as this can also conflict with your theme's styling. With hard returns and proper paragraph separations, your text will remain consistent amongst different themes or theme changes.
Start by viewing your content without the rich text formatting to strip any HTML or extra styling elements from your text. You can do this by pasting your text into Windows Notepad (or similar text editor for Mac) and copy it again before pasting it into WordPress. If your text editor has a remove formatting option, that would work as well. This will ensure that whatever styling your theme applies to your text, it won't conflict with some half-styled HTML.
WordPress makes it easy to separate the content of a website from the layout, so changing your theme won't affect your content. However, sometimes when copying and pasting content from another source, the formatting can get a little mixed up. It's important to ensure that your content is formatted properly to maintain the professionalism and readability of your website.
4. Performance and Security
In this fast-paced world, all businesses and services are looking to go online so that they can spread their market to a wider audience and generate more leads. This increasing trend has also increased the number of websites on the internet. With the increase in number of websites, there is an increase in competition where users are looking for more options. They have become less tolerant and more impatient especially when it comes to waiting for a website to load. It has been analyzed that an average user will wait about 8 seconds for a page to load. If it takes more than that, they will probably open up another tab and navigate to a different website. Page load times have a huge impact on the success of a website. If it's too slow, people will look for alternatives. Sometimes it makes more sense to pay money to improve page load times rather than putting that money towards advertising and marketing. Visitors are more likely to return to and recommend sites where download times are fast. Prime importance should be given especially to landing pages, e.g. those with the highest percentage of views and user entry, pages with a large number of images (and/or media), and pages employing dynamic content, e.g. database search results. Run performance reports on these key pages and set performance budgets as appropriate. An effective method of measuring site speed is to analyze the page's complete load time by using an online tool such as webwait.com. Logs or reports derived from a web analyzer or web server software can also provide good data. If a WordPress site is hosted with a shared hosting environment, one first step is to move to more reliable hosting provider. This step alone can significantly decrease page load times.
4.1 Optimizing Website Speed and Loading Times
The primary reason to improve your website speed is to keep your users from clicking the "back" button. A fast site will provide a good user experience and keep visitors around, while a slow site will discourage your visitors. As of Google's algorithm change, website speed is now a ranking factor. Upgrading your hosting plan or switching to a faster DNS can have a big impact and make your website run significantly faster. A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a network of servers that delivers cached static content from websites to users based on the geographic location of the user. Static files include, but are not limited to, images, CSS, JavaScript, and video. The closer the CDN server is to the user, the faster the content will be delivered. Think of it like buying produce at a farmers market compared to buying it at the supermarket; the closer the produce is to you, the fresher it will be. There are many CDNs available ranging from premium (paid) to freemium mix to pure free. Other than CDN, in 2016, HTTP/2 has been released as a replacement for the current version of HTTP. It is not meant to be an overhaul of the protocol, but rather an optimization. HTTP/2 aims to decrease latency as well as control overhead of other transfer attributes. While the changes are fairly technical, the main impact of this change is that it will enable websites to load faster with the same amount of performance optimization. Step one in speed optimization is simply measuring how fast your site loads and testing different changes to make it load faster. This can be done using free services such as Pingdom and Google Pagespeed Insights. However, these tools simply give you a grade or general idea of how fast your site is and what can be improved. Step two involves monitoring the changes in load time in your actual site. This can be done using free tools such as Google Pagespeed Insights and Webpagetest. Both of these tools show a video of how your site loads and can be set to compare differences with previous versions of your site.
4.2 Implementing Regular Backups and Updates
In the case where an update causes an issue, it is temporary, providing that there is knowledge of the changes and a resolution can be found. This contrasts with a situation where an update has caused an issue to a website that has not been updated for several years; a common occurrence with websites that have been handed down from developer to developer.
Regular website updates bring even more peace of mind. Plugins, themes, and WordPress itself are often updated. These updates come with changes, whether it be fixing bugs, minor tweaks, or full-on rewrites. In rare cases, updates can cause an issue to the website. This can be a nightmare if the update was performed several months ago and there is no knowledge of what version the plugin/theme was updated from. In general, the more recent the changes to the website, the easier it is to identify what may have caused a problem.
Additional functionality in the backup plugin allows it to send the backup (and any new backups) to a remote location, such as FTP, S3, Dropbox, etc. This is perfect for those of us who tend to forget about backups until we desperately need them, or those who gain satisfaction with the knowledge that their data is securely stored and easily accessible. Regular backing up and access to backed-up data ultimately increase the level of security and reduce the time required to fix problems.
Up to this point, we have discussed the performance improvements that can be made to increase website speed and optimize its loading times. Now we will move on to a different aspect of performance: regular website updates and backups. This decreases the amount of time required to restore the website's previous state, i.e. reverting to what it looked like a day, a week, or even a month ago. This can be a lifesaver in some situations if the site has been broken and the owner is unaware. The last thing a website developer wants to hear is that his/her client has lost data.
4.3 Securing the Website from Malicious Attacks
One common method of attack on WordPress websites is to focus on attacking the login page. By default, visiting /wp-admin or /wp-login.php will take you to the login page, and anyone knowing the URL can attempt to brute force the login using scripts. A good method to prevent this is to change the login URL. This can be done using a plugin which will give you customizable URLs, however, a better method would be to password protect the /wp-admin directory using a .htpasswd file. This means anyone attempting to access the admin area will first have to enter a username and password, adding an extra layer of security. If using this method, it is important to redirect the /wp-admin requests to your password-protected page because if a user tries and fails to log in via the default URL, WordPress will create a new admin session that cannot be accessed. Different password protecting methods can utilize 'deny from all' or 'allow from IP', but .htpasswd is the method which will work with all hosting.
As WordPress is built on PHP and MySQL, two very widely used and established web technologies, it often becomes a target for malicious hackers and spammers. These people's attacks are often automated and expect to find a way in through the backdoor, potentially running scripts to the database which can be incredibly damaging. Fortunately, there are many plugins and easy methods to secure your site from these kinds of attacks.