In the wake of a devastating school shooting in Georgia earlier this week, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) has called for “more good guys with guns” to protect children.

On Wednesday, Colt Gray, 14, opened fire at Apalachee High School in Barrow County and killed two students, Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo, both 14, and two teachers, Richard Aspinwall and Christina Irimie.

Gray has been charged with four counts of felony murder, and more charges are expected. On Thursday evening, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation announced that Gray’s father, Colin Gray, 54, was taken into custody in relation to the crime on two counts of second-degree murder, four counts of involuntary manslaughter and eight counts of cruelty to children.

Greene, a long-time persistent defender of gun rights, has controversially claimed that limiting guns and their availability is not the solution to these attacks.

She told One America News Network’s Real America host Dan Ball, “When I was sixteen years old, starting 11th grade in Georgia, Joe Biden then-senator made schools gun-free zones. And at my own school, September sixth of that year, I’ll never forget it, one of my fellow students brought three guns to school and our school went on lockdown. And it was because no one there was able to defend us from a student bringing guns into school and into his classroom.”

Greene went on, “And we’re praying for these families, these victims and the teachers and students, everyone affected. But the reality is, Dan, we need to protect our kids in schools the same way Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and all our politicians are protected, the same way we protect gold and precious jewels, the same way we protect a lot of money. And that’s good guys with guns.”

She added, “And we always need to make sure we support our Second Amendment and not disarm legal gun owners simply because a madman with a gun chose to go in and murder people.”

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Article by Baila Eve Zisman

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