ONE Campaign, a global organization that fights extreme poverty and works to end preventable disease, recently launched a new initiative: #PassTheMic. Beginning on May 21, and for the next three weeks, celebrities involved will take turns turning their social media accounts over to the hands of “people who actually know what they are talking about.”

The video announcement for the initiative was released on May 20, and featured celebrities such as Penelope Cruz, Julia Roberts, Shailene Woodley and Rainn Wilson along with health experts Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Jen Kates and more.

On Thursday, Roberts will be the first celebrity to turn her account over to Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the White House Coronavirus task force. Woodley will lend her accounts on Friday. Director of the London School of Economics, Dame Minouche Shafik, will appear on Woodley’s social media. 

#PassTheMic is calling for a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic in an effort to protect the most vulnerable populations, support those hit the worst economically, strengthen health systems and create a more just and equal world. Participating celebrities will lend their Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts to a health or economic worker, official or expert for the day.

The ONE World Campaign has a goal to end extreme poverty and preventable disease by 2030.


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Article by Hannah Mallard