Stephen Colbert, host of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, began Tuesday night’s show with a four minute monologue dedicated to President Trump’s signing of an executive order that aims to rollback Obama-era environmental protection regulations.

After noting the President’s most recent legislative failure, the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act – colloquially known as ObamaCare – Colbert assured his audience that the President had followed through on at least one campaign promise.

“Today, he repealed the environment,” Colbert said.

But Colbert’s punchiness were not aimed only at President Trump.

Scott Pruitt, the current director of the Environmental Protection Agency, recently noted that the elimination of regulations, particularly those related to the coal industry, will create new jobs. One of these new jobs, Colbert joked, would be “keeper of the last six bees.”

Colbert’s most scathing joke was telling of the comedian’s confidence in the 45th president. “I know ‘clean coal’ sounds like an oxymoron,” Colbert began, “but so does ‘President Trump’.”

Although many worried that Colbert would loose his political bite after taking over for show’s original host, David Letterman, Colbert has proven to be just as politically engaged as he was on his previous show, The Colbert Report – the Emmy winning faux political talk show in which Colbert played a know-nothing conservative pundit who analyzed the news with his gut.

Many of The Late Show opening monologues are often centered around the latest headlines about President Trump. Colbert also has a running gag in which, in an attempt to explain Trump-related news, draws diagrams that, more often than not, end up looking rather phallic.

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert airs Monday through Friday at 11:35 p.m. EST.

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