On Thursday, Rudy Giuliani declared bankruptcy after being ordered to immediately pay a $148 jury judgment to Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, the two Georgia women he falsely accused of stealing the 2020 election from his client Donald Trump.

The decision was made by Judge Beryl A. Howell, who had concerns that Giuliani might attempt to conceal his assets.

Despite Howell’s orders, there is little chance that Giuliani has anywhere near the $148 million he owes. The two Georgia women, who are mother and daughter, have also filed a request, which accused Giuliani of already failing to comply with other court orders. 

In the 13-page order, Howell sided almost completely with Freeman and Moss.

“Giuliani has simply ignored the orders directing reimbursement to plaintiffs of attorney’s fees for discovery misconduct, without seeking extensions of time to make reimbursement, requesting any payment schedules or making any excuse for his nonpayment by the deadlines set in court orders,” Howell said. 

During the trial, both Moss and Freeman testified that they dealt with threats and racial abuse after Giuliani directed millions of his followers to watch a video of them in a Georgia vote center, which he falsely claimed as evidence of vote rigging. They have since sued Giuliani again, in a bid to permanently stop him from spreading falsehoods about them.

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