‘Notorious’ Recap: Oscar Resists Arrest After Accident, Jake Blackmailed

ABC’s Notorious premiered tonight with two people having sex on a couch. Always classy. Julia, having sex with her boyfriend Eric, is the main character and the boss of everybody with a hectic job trying to manage the news channel she works for. Her boss’s son Bryan is employed as an intern as of this day and is made to, surprise surprise, get lattes for everybody. Jake, the silly yet charming attorney who is friends with Julia, comes to the Louise Herrick Live portion of the show.
Louise covers how Oscar, a famous individual, has resisted arrest after being in a car accident and has been enclosed in his home. They blindside Jake with questions who barely pulls it together and runs away, yelling at her. She catches up with him in the next room, revealing that it’s all according to their plan. The intern walks in, and he pretends to yell at her again. Jake meets with Oscar, who are met with the reality that he is being charged with second degree murder after the death of a kid in the other car. Jake tells Oscar, who has cocaine in his glove compartment and is having trouble with his wife, to do exactly as he says.
Jake talks to his black brother and reveals Jake has had feelings for Oscar’s wife in the past. They both meet up with a man who has dreams of being elected, but was blackmailed with a photo of him wearing the confederate flag, the blackmailer expecting 100 grand. Oscar doesn’t do as Jake says and tries to act benevolent when the paparazzi arrives, however, Jake then states that this is according to plan. In the car, Levi Young, friend of Oscar, asks if he can do anything for him, and Jake confirms this. Levi comes onto the show to get framed for the murder, and Jake assures him that nothing will happen.
Bryan the intern talks to Megan who works on the effects of the show. She monologues on how Julia creates the news before anybody else, and Bryan talks about how he doesn’t want to be just the “boss’s boss’s son.” Megan says just to do his job, and in response he tries to pick up a chick who is miraculously connected to the investigation of the Oscar case. In fact, she appears in the next scene looking at Oscar’s car with Jake’s brother. Megan is forced to reveal Julia’s boyfriend was with call girls weeks before. She is heartbroken, but Bryan had arrived at her house with a video of the lady he had a drink with putting Oscar’s cocaine in her bag during the investigation.
Jake meets Oscar’s wife Sarah, who was swimming at night for some reason. He asks if she would come on the Louise show. She replies yes and offers him to stay for wine. Eventually, both of them started eating face. Wine, chlorine, and adultery apparently make one hell of an aphrodisiac.
Julia meets with Eric and proceeds to threaten him, stating that she will eventually forget about him, but the information she has about him can be released at any time and ruin his career, and due to this he will/can never forget about her. The blackmailer is met with, and the negotiation looks bleak unless they can prove he worked for the hosting venue the night the photo was taken. Julia meets up with NYPD representative, who provides her with the photo evidence that Sarah drove Oliver’s car that night.
The lady Bryan took a picture of meets with him to argue with him, and Bryan says that she would do the same thing to him, and implores her to use him in a charming way; she walks away as I’m sure most people would. Bryan delivers condoms to Louise Herrick, who offers for him to come in. He refuses, and is laughed at from behind the closed door. Jake meets with Sarah and she says this couldn’t possibly have driven, until they deduct her Ambien use causing her to night drive. Julia finds out that Sarah ordered her first prescription of the drug the day before. Julia thinks Jake is lying to him, but he reveals he didn’t know. Sarah is a no-show, and Jake finds out the reason why is because she’s dead in her home, possibly murdered, stabbed in the abdomen. Oscar is there crying by her body covered in blood, and, by the way, what a week for Oscar, huh?
Jake meets with the “blackmailing sleaze ball,” and after yelling this at him with the help of NYPD, is able to out-threaten him and he and his lawyer agree to destroy the photograph. Jake and Julia meet with somebody who made a fake passport for Sarah a day ago. Julia is sent blackmail in the morning, featuring photos of Julia sleeping with Jake and looking slightly beat up.
Overall, the premiere of this show might have had an obnoxious start, but by the end of the episode I was excited for more. Notorious proves to be fast-paced, but not too complicated, dramatic and well done. I’d recommend watching this show for any drama fan looking to see something new and I can’t wait to watch next week’s episode.
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