‘Big Brother’ 18 Episode 30 Recap: Jurors Battle Back

Wednesday night’s episode of Big Brother saw the backlash from the Natalie and Michelle’s nominations as Paul went on a rampage confronting all parties involved. Paul ultimately won the PoV (still salty about it) and removed himself from the block. Victor and Paul successfully convinced Michelle to nominate Corey as the replacement nominee, hoping to get him evicted instead of Victor.
Big Brother 18 Episode 30 Recap: Jurors Battle Back
The episode opens at the conclusion of the Veto ceremony and both nominees believe that they have James’ all important vote to stay this week. As James and Natalie are outside chatting with NiCorey, Paul and Victor realize that James is going to save Corey.
Paul comes up with a genius plan (hate to admit it) to separate himself from Victor in order to make Corey’s presence in the house seem like a bigger threat. In the days leading up to eviction night, Paul spends as much time as possible with Nicole and Corey, feigning friendship and a possible alliance with the showmance. Paul acts extremely chummy with NiCorey whenever Natalie, James, or Michelle is around, creating paranoia within the group. Victor also plays a part in the deception, venturing up to the HoH room to feign annoyance with Paul, who seemingly distanced himself from Victor in order to align with NiCorey moving forward. James, Natalie, and Michelle buy into Paul and Victor’s master plan and consider flipping the script to get Corey out instead.
Before we get to the live vote and eviction, Chenbot lets us take a peek inside the jury house as Paulie arrives. This jury house segment was INCREDIBLE, with Da’Vonne, Zakiyah, and Bridgette eagerly awaiting the arrival of the newest jury member. Sparks immediately fly when the ladies see Paulie is the most recent houseguest to join the jury. As the ladies rejoice Paulie’s eviction, he calls them all petty and catty. Mama Da’ cackles and tells him he has a short man’s complex and is just salty: “He needs some pepper to go with all that salt” (yesssss). The ladies continue to laugh and drag Paulie as they watch his eviction tape. Bridgette tells Paulie that she has no respect for him as a person inside or outside of the house and Zakiyah calls him a bitch. Paulie, in true misogynist fashion, insinuates that because Bridgette is a feminist that she is inherently against all men (nope, just the douchebags). The three ladies continue to drag Paulie all the way to commercial break and it gives me LIFE.
The live eviction follows shortly after the epic trouncing of Paulie and sees Victor being evicted by a vote of 2 to 1. Immediately after the eviction, Julie reveals to the remaining houseguests that the five jury members will be competing in the HoH competition and the last remaining juror will be brought back into the house (praying to the BB Gods that Da’Vonne finally wins a competition). The houseguests and jurors begin their endurance HoH comp. The competition, which is a spin on the classic wall comps, has each of the houseguests standing on a small platform and holding on to a wall as it tilts back and forth. The last remaining juror will win their way back into the house and the last remaining person (either juror or houseguest) will win the coveted HoH. The episode ends on a cliffhanger as the houseguests buckle down for a long night of competing. Which juror will win their way back into the Big Brother house and who will become the next HoH? Also, which two houseguests will be nominated for eviction? Find out Sunday night at 8pm EST on Big Brother.
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