Alvin Ailey Wows Again With ‘Shelter’ & ‘BUSK’

The famed Alvin Ailey dance troupe continues to impress with a new performance of its socially conscious works at their home in Manhattan’s City Center. Shelter by Jawole Willa Jo Zollar, which was originally performed by the company in 1992, highlights the plight of homeless people. Using poetry by Hattie Gossett and Laurie Carlos, the piece beautifully shows the innate humanity of all. BUSK by choreographer Aszure Barton highlights the extraordinary talents of the Ailey dancers, especially lead James Gilmer, who beautifully executes the intricate dance moves. The program concluded with the company’s signature piece, Revelations, an unspeakably beautiful and joyous expression of the African America experience – and modern dance at its finest.
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