Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed the recent revelation about a parasite found in his brain.

Kennedy claimed in a 2012 deposition that doctors had found a worm in his brain after it “ate a portion of it and then died.” The story resurfaced last month and resulted in concern, ridicule and a sketch on Saturday Night Live.

Piers Morgan asked Kennedy about the public reaction to this news: “You got everyone going with this extraordinary revelation about the worm in your brain. Did you expect the reaction that you got to that? And what is the lasting consequence of that health issue you had?”

Kennedy replied, “Well, first of all, Piers, are you under the impression that I announced that to the world?”

“I don’t think you did explicitly, no,” Morgan answered.

“No, I didn’t,” Kennedy asserted. “It was a short discussion in a deposition almost 15 years ago in my divorce, and the New York Times dug that up and, you know, announced it as if it was recent news,” he explained.

Kennedy emphasized, “It was something I discovered. It’s interesting. It had no impact on my cognitive capacity. I did have at that time – I was having brain fog, and I was having some memory retrieval issues that I noticed, nobody else noticed, and I ended up getting treated for that, and that was one of the things they discovered in the course of my treatment, but it wasn’t something that was any kind of a threat to me.” 

He stated that “a billion people in the world have that particular parasite.” This prompted a surprised reaction from Morgan, who responded, “Really?”

“Yeah, it’s very widespread,” Kennedy elaborated. “My doctor said there is two places I could have gotten it. One was in India, where I traveled extensively, and the other was in the hog industry because I had been litigating factory farms in North Carolina and Utah around the country, and apparently, this parasite is very, very common among people who are in that industry.”

He expressed relief that the parasite found in his brain had “died on its own.” 

Morgan pressed, “So, to reassure potential voters, there is no remaining worm in your brain?”

Kennedy laughed and replied, “Yeah, thank you very much, Piers, and I’ve said I’m very, very happy to take cognitive tests.”

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