Prominent Republicans are speculating that Jared Kushner would be the top choice for secretary of state in Donald Trump’s potential second presidential term.

“According to two sources, prominent Republicans are speculating that Kushner is in the running to take charge at Foggy Bottom if Trump wins in November,” author Gabriel Sherman wrote recently.

“One source briefed on the conversations said Republican senators have privately asked Kushner to head up the agency,” Sherman added. “If Trump were to nominate Kushner to be his secretary of state, it would present risks and opportunities. Kushner’s financial relationships in the Middle East – especially with Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, which committed $2 billion to his private equity firm” would raise many “ethical issues and surely be probed by Congress during a confirmation hearing.”

“At the same time, many senators might prefer Kushner to MAGA hard-liners like General Mike Flynn or [former ambassador] Richard Grenell, who could stoke Trump’s impulses to blow up America’s long-standing alliances like NATO,” he added. “‘It would show Trump is not purely on a revenge tour,’ one of the sources said.”

Kushner’s experience in Middle East diplomacy is viewed positively by Republicans, especially when considering the continuing conflict between Israel and Hamas. 

Before he left the White House, Trump’s former senior adviser played an essential role in brokering the Abraham Accords between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. 

Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, recently organized a meeting between bipartisan business leaders and the Qatari prime minister.

Despite this speculation, Jared Kushner claims that he will have no involvement in a possible second Trump administration and that he is dedicated to working with Affinity Partners, his investment firm based in Miami.

Trump’s son-in-law said in an interview at the Miami Axios BFD conference that he plans to continue his private equity company even if the former president were to win the 2024 election.

He recounted Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and labeled it a “family campaign.” He contrasted that with the present and pointed out that the former president has “a very professionally run campaign” with a strong team backing him.

Kushner’s dealmaking could prove awkward if he becomes America’s top diplomat.

On March 15, he announced that he was developing major real estate deals in Albania and Serbia. Ethics watchdogs say that his business might have been helped by connections he had formed overseas during Trump’s presidency.

Kushner plans to develop luxury hotels in Belgrade, Serbia, and turn an island off of Albania into a tourist destination. The governments of both countries are helping in the process, as Trump’s son-in-law is using government-controlled land.

Ethics watchdogs are questioning the ethics of his business dealings due to his connection to the former president and his family.  

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