Amy King – formerly Amy Dugger – is happy to shed her now-controversial last name in her marriage to Dillon King.

Amy Duggar Gives Up Last Name

“It’s a relief,” Amy told Entertainment Tonight following her marriage to Dillon on Sunday. “It feels like the stress is gone. I don’t have to be perfect anymore. I don’t have to worry about wearing long skirts. And I got to marry my best friend!”

Present at the nuptials over the weekend were Amy’s aunt Michelle Duggar and her cousin-in-law Anna Duggar, who came without her disgraced husband Josh Duggar. Though Amy has been vocal about her disagreements with her extended family, she was happy to see her relatives at her wedding – even giving them gifts of gratitude.

“I gave Anna a huge hug. I gave my Aunt Michelle a huge hug. And I got them gifts to make them feel welcome,” Amy told ET. “I gave Anna a gift card to get her nails done — she deserves to pamper herself. I gave Aunt Michelle a gift certificate to her favorite restaurant. We’re really thankful they came.”

Dillon, like Amy, was relieved that Josh Duggar didn’t accompany his wife to the wedding, and believes that the mother-of-four should divorce him.

“You don’t just surf the Internet and decide to randomly open an Ashley Madison account,” he told ET. “Josh consciously made the decision to cheat. Anna should leave him. People talk about the Biblical aspect of all this — read Matthew. It talks about how adultery is the one reason to divorce. Josh did it, and I’m going to guess he did it multiple times.”

Amy chimed in, “I do think Anna should take some time out to think about how she feels without everyone around.”

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