Adele celebrated her 33rd birthday on Wednesday by sharing a series of photos under the caption “Thirty Free.” This is the first post she’s made on Instagram since the tenth anniversary of her first album release. It also comes a year after she first surprised fans with her physical transformation.

The singer lost over 88 pounds after following a strict diet and exercise regime.

The first of the three photos shows a black and white closeup of a natural-looking Adele.

The new post has garnered birthday messages from some famous pals. John Legend and Diplo wished Adele a happy birthday, while Millie Bobby Brown said, “I love you. That’s all.” Ella Henderson also praised the star, commenting “❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ so pretty” beneath the post.

However, both celebrities and fans alike have been using this opportunity to ask Adele about her newest album. A comment that asked, “Is this the album announcement or…” received over 2,000 likes.

One of Adele’s best friends, comedian Alan Carr, recently told reporters that Adele is currently working on a new album.

She has also moved from the U.K. to L.A. with her eight-year-old son, Angelo, after filing for divorce from her husband in September 2018.

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Eileen Hoverkamp

Article by Eileen Hoverkamp

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