On Saturday’s ninth Republican presidential debate, Donald Trump made a surprising accusation against Jeb Bush.

After a heated debate back and forth about immigration reform, in which Bush said Trump had used vulgarities in the campaign, Trump claimed Bush had threatened to “drop his pants and moon everyone” at an event earlier in the week.

Bush continued to talk about politics and praise the work of his father and brother, while Trump hit him with the “mooning” accusation.

“And, frankly, I could care less about the insults that Donald Trump gives to me. It’s blood sport for him. He enjoys it. And I’m glad he’s happy about it. But I am sick and tired of him attacking my family,” said Bush.

Bush went on to deny the “mooning” accusation. The audience seemed to be in favor of Bush considering the cheers for him and the boos for Trump.


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Crystal Smith

Article by Crystal Smith

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