Donald Trump professed glowing praise for Harrison Ford and, in particular, his portrayal of a tough, action-man president in 1997 film Air Force One In a recent interview with The New York Times.

Harrison Ford Reminds Donald Trump ‘Air Force One’ Was Just A Movie

“My favorite was Harrison Ford on the plane,” Mr. Trump said of the thriller. “I love Harrison Ford –and not just because he rents my properties. He stood up for America.”

Ford, a lifelong Democrat, has responded to the GOP nomination hopeful with a hilariously cutting put down.

When asked what he thought of Trump’s comments in a recent interview discussing the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Ford had this to say:

“Donald it was a movie. It’s not like this in real life, but how would you know?”

The actor was visibly amused by the question and afforded the Donald no words of thanks for the unexpected rave.

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Patrick Culhane

Article by Patrick Culhane

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