Anthony Mackie, who plays Sam Wilson aka Falcon in the Avenger movies, has publicly come out endorsing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Anthony Mackie Endorses Donald Trump

Mackie’s adoration for Trump is unconditional. “I would 100 percent want to run Trump’s campaign. 100 percent,” he told BET. “I mean, first that’ll be the best party ever when he won, and second, Trump’s an easy sell… When you look at Trump, he’s an easy sell because you can sell him as the guy who worked his way up from nothing. And I think if you’re a ‘pull yourself up by your bootstraps’ candidate, people would identify with that…. I’m on the bandwagon. I’m drinking the Kool-Aid!”

Backlash on Twitter came quickly after Mackie’s announcement with some many fans dumbfounded by his reasoning.

Mackie’s latest film Our Brand Is Crisis is scheduled for release in the U.S. on Oct. 30.

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