After a temporary tie-up, the Spider-Man franchise is back in full swing. The highly anticipated fourth film in the series was derailed last month when director Sam Raimi and star Tobey McGuire, pictured, called it quits over script disagreements.

Columbia Pictures announced Monday that Marc Webb, whose background is mostly in music videos including ones for Green Day, will direct the new flick. The only film Webb has directed is the indie romantic comedy 500 Days of Summer, which did a mere $32 million at the box office.

The new Spidey movie is set for a 2012 release and will be an "origin" film, much like 2005’s Batman Begins, and will follow Peter Parker’s adventures in high school. "I’m here because there’s an opportunity for ideas, stories and histories that will add a new dimension, canvas and creative voice to Spider-Man," Webb said of the challenge of helming the billion-dollar franchise. –JAKE GABLE

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