'Veronica Mars' Movie In The Works After Kickstarter Campaign Raises $2 Million
Veronica Mars will hit the big screen after a Kickstarter campaign by creator Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell raised more than the $2 million goal only 11 hours after being announced.
“My mind is blown. I’ve been fantasizing about this and had to tell myself, ‘Stop it, Rob, you’re being silly. You’re setting yourself up for disappointment,’” Thomas told Entertainment Weekly. “And now today has exceeded the wildest pipe dream I let myself entertain. Holy cow. We better make a good movie. These amazing fans have stepped up. We better deliver.”
“I knew Veronica Mars fans were cool, but I had no idea they could rally with such power. They are unstoppable — just like Veronica. I will have a permanent blush on my face, feeling so lucky to be associated with this entire thing,” Bell said.
Thomas and Bell’s goal was to raise $2 million in 30 days. If they could manage to do that, Warner Bros. Digital Distribution agreed to cover marketing, promotion and distribution costs in addition to putting the movie into production. After taking a fraction of the time to raise the money, breaking Kickstarter records in the process, the Veronica Mars movie is a go.
Production for the Veronica Mars movie is set to begin this summer for a release in early 2014.
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