The ABC fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time premiered its second season with the eventful episode “Broken.” As fans will remember, at the conclusion of season one, Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) and her son Henry (Jared Gilmore) were able to restore the memories of the fairytale characters living in Storybrooke, Maine. “Broken” started off with Emma, who learned in season one that she is of fairytale blood as well, reuniting with her parents, Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Prince Charming (Josh Dallas). However, soon the sweetness is replaced by danger and adventure, as most fairytales are.

Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) was still furious with Regina Milla (Lana Parrilla), a.k.a. the Evil Queen, for the curse she cast on everyone in season one, and he sent a Wraith, a ghost-like demon, to get rid of her. In true sacrifice, Emma saved Regina and fell victim to the Wraith’s attack, which came in the form of a portal sending her away. Snow White quickly followed suit, but Prince Charming was not able to jump in with his wife and daughter before the portal closed. At this point the episode transitioned to the happenings of the Enchanted Forest.

In the Enchanted Forest, we joined Prince Phillip (Julian Morris) and Mulan (Jamie Chung) on a mission to save Phillip’s love, Aurora (Sara Bolger). Phillip saved Aurora with true love’s kiss, but there was definitely a love triangle going on between the three. Unfortunately, Phillip wasn't around long enough to help settle the dispute as he was quickly killed by the Wraith. "Broken" concluded shortly thereafter, with Emma and Snow White seemingly trapped in Fairy Tale Land.

Once Upon a Time’s first season was popular among both fans and critics. It averaged just under 12 million viewers per episode and also garnered nominations from the The Primetime Emmys (Outstanding Costumes, Outstanding Special Visual Effects), the People’s Choice Awards and the Satellite Awards, among others. The show has also received praise for its portrayal of strong female characters. Season Two will bring fans a slew of additional fairytale characters such as Sir Lancelot (Sinqua Walls) and Captain Hook (Colin O’Donoghue). Also, Michael-Raymond James, of True Blood and Terriers, will appear in a recurring role, but as for now his role remains unnamed. He made a brief appearance at the beginning of “Broken.”

Once Upon A Time airs Sundays at 8 p.m. est. on ABC.

— Hal Sundt

Watch the sneak peek of the Season Two premiere here:

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