He played Indiana Jones’ sidekick in the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. But Shia LaBeouf still found Josh Brolin‘s love of adrenaline almost too much to handle. 

"His risk appetite is that of someone you would call insane," he said. "I have a fear of losing my life that I don’t think that man has." But despite his reservations about the danger,  LaBeouf, 24, spoke admiringly to PopEater about Brolin’s daredevil ways.  "He’s a cowboy, he’s a man’s man. And he’s out to prove it all the time," he said. "I have to give it to Brolin."

The two actors shot a high-speed chase scene for their new movie, Wall Street 2: Money Never Dies, and LaBeouf said that although stunt men were involved, that he and Brolin, 42, appear in most of the shots you see in the movie. The two men did not stint on action. "If you’re told you’re going to hit this turn around 50 or 60 [mph] and then you look down at your speedometer and it’s saying 85 to 90 on a bike that’s on a hairpin turn, that’s enough." But the shoot was more playground than Evel Knievel. "It was fun," LaBeouf said. "It was like two boys in a sandbox." –AMY LEE

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