Kermit The Frog floats above Central Park West, wowing the crowd of over 350,000 guests at the Macy's 85th Annual Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. The new Muppet movie opens nationwide today.


  • StanChaz
    StanChaz on

    There's one more item to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day : the fact that we have Barack Obama as President of the United States (and as a viable candidate for re-election… opposed to the sorry set of rivals on the other side). Thank you Mr. President : your heart, your values, your basic decency.. are all in the right place. But… your hands are tied. Unfortunately they were tied by us, the electorate… not providing you with a Congress that you can work with, a congress that instead battles you at every turn, while the people suffer.  God, they don't EVEN let you pass your own appointments. It's not Tea-publican gridlock- It's Tea-publican SABOTAGE. And then they try to pin the blame on Mr. Obama. These people have no shame…or else its been purchased by those who can afford to do so. Thankfully, OWS is part of an emerging grass-roots evolution that will help to both re-elect you Mr. President, and to give you a more progressive Congress. Therefore, on this Thanksgiving day,  I am thankful and grateful that you are the President Mr. Obama! And I wish you well.. You STILL. give me hope.

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