‘Glee’ Stars React To Mark Salling Suicide
Former Glee star Mark Salling committed suicide this week, weeks before he was due to be sentenced in court for his child pornography charges. The actor, 35, had pleaded guilty in October.
Tim Davis, who was a coordinator on the show, was one of the first to post anything about Salling’s death. He wanted fans and critics to remember that while Salling committed terrible crimes, he was also a person and part of the Glee family, so his death still hurts.
“Today we lost another #Glee cast member.Yes, he committed crimes against children.Yes, it’s horrific. But #MarkSalling was a broken man, no doubt an abuse victim himself. I loved Mark, and am sad when I consider the devastation of his parents. PLEASE withhold your cruel comments,” Davis said on Twitter. “Let me be clear. Having compassion for #MarkSalling in no way minimizes his crimes, nor does it minimize the pain and devastation of the victims of those crimes. I’m just saying stop adding to his family’s pain. This was their son. If you’re without sin, feel free to cast stones.”
Actress Jane Lynch retweeted Davis’ words for her part. She later told TMZ that “it’s tragic and I’m broken-hearted over it” about Salling’s death. Matthew Morrison posted a photo of himself with Glee‘s fallen stars Salling and Cory Monteith, who died in 2013 of a drug overdose. “.” was his caption.
Iqbal Theba, who played Principal Figgins on the teen show, wrote “Oh Mark,” when news of Salling’s death spread. He later posted a photo of the crew when they won a SAG Award for season 1, and then another longer note: “His death is painful for me Some of u might know him for only his flaws but I also knew him as someone who was great to work with & was kind to my kids. I truly wish he’d fought his demons &atoned himself & came out a winner. May we all find solace in some of his gentler memories.”
Watch Jenna Ushkowit’s reaction to Cory Monteith’s Death:
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