Disgraced actor Armie Hammer was directly asked by host Piers Morgan whether he has engaged in the practice of cannibalism.

The performer, known for his role in the 2017 romantic drama Call Me By Your Name, has been absent from the public eye since 2021 when allegations of sexual assault and unconventional sexual behaviors emerged.

In the interview, Hammer, 37, addressed the claims and asserted that the controversial acts were consensual and a result of experimental sexual role-play between himself and his former partners. When pressed on the matter of cannibalism, the actor provided a definitive response, “You know what you have to do to be a cannibal? You have to have actually eaten somebody.” Hammer firmly denied the notion that he had consumed human flesh.

However, Hammer did acknowledge that he had carved his initials on his then-girlfriend, Paige Lorenze.

“There was a scenario that we talked about beforehand, that we had discussed where, you know, I would basically take a little, tiny point and just kind of trace the letter ‘A’ – just like the tip of a small knife,” he revealed.

He insisted, “I mean, there wasn’t even blood in the situation. It was more like a scrape… It’s along the lines of couples getting their own initials tattooed on each other.”

He further refuted the suggestion that this was an attempt to “brand” her, although he did admit that “Any of those conversations that we had inside of that relationship when you take them outside of that context and put them into broad daylight, it doesn’t look so good.”

In regard to his previous marriage, Hammer admitted to infidelity, though he declined to provide specifics on the number of times he betrayed the trust of his ex-wife, Elizabeth Chambers. The actor also discussed his involvement with Effie Angelova, who has accused him of sexual assault, and described their dynamic as a “very intense affair, very sexuality charged, between two people with very similar proclivities and kinks.”

Hammer maintained his innocence against the allegations of rape and abuse, and his legal counsel continued to assert that all of his relationships were consensual in nature. Last year, Hammer and Chambers reached a divorce settlement just weeks after prosecutors in Los Angeles declined to file charges that stemmed from a woman’s claim that he had sexually assaulted her in 2017 and cited insufficient evidence to secure a conviction.

In the aftermath of the public scrutiny, Hammer has expressed a desire to begin the process of rebuilding his life and restoring his reputation, declaring on Instagram that his “name has been cleared.”

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