The latest Apple MacBook launched on June 5. Moreover, while the strengths of the laptop line are well-known, this iterations took strides to correct one of the most glaring issues of its precursors.


According to CNET’s preview, the biggest enhancement is probably with the keyboard. The second generation butterfly mechanisms were inherited from the MacBook Pros. This gives the keyboard a far more satisfying sensation to use, giving the clicks more feedback than the previous MacBooks.

Another progression from the earlier MacBooks is the generational leap in its processor. The default remains the Intel Core m3, which is apt for non-strenuous activities, although you can upgrade to a Core i5 or Core i7 Intel CPU should you need higher performance.

As with its predecessors, the MacBook weighs 2.03 pounds and offers high-res Retina display. An underwhelming 480p webcam still adorns the top of the computer, and there’s still only one USB-C port built into it. However, OS X 10.12 Sierra powers the device, which sports an attractive 12-inch display.

Gold, rose gold, silver and space gray are the four hues you can select from. The most basic option – 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD – costs $1,299.00. The pricier configuration, which boosts the SSD to 512GB, will cost $1,599.00.

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Article by Matt Reisine

A writer for uInterview who harbors an unwavering passion for film and video games.

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