Amanda Bynes’ recent headline-making antics have caused the actress’ family to worry about her well-being. The Los Angeles-based family wishes she’d move back to the West Coast so that they could keep an eye on her as she goes through this troubling phase, a source told E! News.

Bynes’ Twitter account has provided insight into the former What I Like About You star’s life in New York City. Just last week, Bynes posted a picture of herself with a new look that’s quite a departure from the all-American actress people remember from She’s the Man and What a Girl Wants. With big platinum blonde curls, heavy eye makeup and two new cheek piercings, Bynes is pictured looking into a M.A.C compact.

Earlier this week, Bynes tweeted at Drake, the hip-hop artist she finds to be a “hot fellow.” “I want @drake to murder my vagina,” she wrote, before tweeting that she was “twerking out.”

Bynes has also run into some trouble with the law as of late. Within five months in 2012, she was accused of two hit-and-runs, while a DUI case against the actress was already pending. What’s been just as disconcerting is how Bynes has been acting in public. She was kicked out of a spin class for reapplying a full face of makeup and staring at herself in the mirror, and was spotted clubbing alone and zoned out in December.

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