Troubled Actor Gary Busey recently reflected on his near-death experience in his 1998 motorcycle accident.

In Howie Mandel’s podcast, Busey confirmed for listeners that after he legally died, he had indeed passed to the other side.

“Yeah. I’ve been there,” he said. “I’ve been after the accident.”

Busey got into an accident in 1998 when he tried to swerve his Harley-Davidson around a bus, turned too sharply, hit his back brake, and flew through the air to land on his head. 

Pressed by Mandel, Busey reflected on the experience, “I was shaken by an invisible guide, and only my essence went. That’s your soul. Your soul is housed in the caliber of your spine.”

He continued, “the spiritual realm of the supernatural, where I was surrounded by angels, which appeared to me as balls of light that were moving, changing color, and breathing. And I felt trust, love, and protection like I’ve never felt on earth before. “

It should be noted that the majority of people who have “died” for several minutes have reported seeing nothing but darkness.

Busey recalled he was told, “You may come with us now or return to your body and continue your destiny.”

“The most important word I felt over there is the most important word to me on Earth…and that word is truth, t-r-u-t-h. And t-r-u-t-h stands for ‘taking real understanding to heart,'” he said.

He continued, “D-e-a-t-h stands for ‘don’t expect a tragedy here…It’s simply something you do for a birth to go to the other side, the spiritual zone, the spiritual side, where you float in harmony with everything you’ve been, everything you are, and everything that’s coming to you.”

Busey said he wasn’t sure whether the experience was a “premonition” or “an angel in disguise,” but regardless, it encouraged him to “stay on the road of recovery.” “Which I’ve done,” he added.

States in the U.S. that have helmet laws for motorcyclists have a 33% lower mortality rate than other parts of the country. Studies on motorcycle crashes have also found that helmets reduce the risk of death by up to 42% and the risk of brain injury by up to 69%.

Last year, Busey was allegedly filmed leaving the scene of a hit-and-run accident.

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Article by Baila Eve Zisman