Daniel is a Pisces sun sign, known for their versatility, adaptability and creative faculties, which in his case, is acting. He only has the Sun (core identity) in Pisces and he has Venus (love) and Mercury (thinking) in freedom-loving and unconventional Aquarius. In Aries, his Mars (sexuality), Moon (emotions) and Saturn (taskmaster) take dominance, which help to make him the sex symbol he is. Fiery and combative Aries is a strongly masculine sign, which brings out the James Bond character. Planetary-wise in 2014 he is on the verge of a personal revolutionary break out – possibly triggered by revelations of an affair with Sienna Miller a few years ago – but essentially his Mars and his Saturn are currently being shaken up by both Uranus and Pluto, and his Mercury is being tensely aspected by Saturn in Scorpio, forcing out some truths about how ‘free’ he actually likes to be in relationships. Neptune is gradually approaching his Sun in Pisces, which will help to make him a living legend in the James Bond role, as he will eventually play the part in five films.

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