Dave Franco and Isla Fisher play two members of the magician troupe The Four Horsemen in the new caper film Now You See Me. The group is being hunted by the FBI after one of their shows ends with an impossible bank robbery. Being the only woman — alongside Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg — in the Horsemen didn’t faze Fisher. “I gotta tell you, I never felt like the only woman among the Horsemen,” she told Uinterview exclusively. “These guys are just so nice. I know everyone says that when they’re promoting a movie, but every single one of the guys on this were so inclusive, and it never crossed my mind.”

Both stars have Hollywood in their family. Franco, 28, who previously appeared in 21 Jump Street, is the brother of James Franco. Fisher, 37, who is married to Sacha Baron Cohen, is best known for her role in Wedding Crashers and this summer’s The Great Gatsby.

Despite their pedigrees, both actors found that playing magicians required many nights of training. “Throughout the film, I would go home most nights and be a dork and sit in front of the TV and practice my sleight-of-hand moves for hours on end,” Franco told Uinterview. “It’s pretty phenomenal to see, seriously,” Fisher said. “He’s the real deal.”

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Q: What movie do you wish you were casted in and what character would you have wanted to play? - pettythangs
Q: How long did it take you to learn all the card tricks you performed in the movie? - suunnybuunny

Dave Franco: You know, we didn'€™t have a ton of time to rehearse, but I remember my first day of rehearsal. We showed up and rather than sitting down with the director and breaking down the script and going over the character, who this guy was, they basically locked me in a room, gave me a stack of playing cards, set up a banana across the room, and told me to try and cut it in half by throwing cards at it. So I was in there for about three hours the first day. Isla Fisher: He can do that. He can do that! It's amazing; it blows your mind. Franco: But yeah, throughout the film, I would go home most nights and be a dork and sit in front of the TV and practice my sleight-of-hand moves for hours on end. Fisher: Yeah, Dave is the only one from this movie -€“ we all, obviously, went through the same magic training and applied ourselves in the same way -€“ but he'€™s the only one with any natural prowess, and is actually, could be a magician. It'€™s pretty phenomenal to see, seriously. He'€™s the real deal.

Q: Dave, where did you get the names for your cats? - Heather
Q: If you didn't get cast in the movie, who do you think would play your character the best and why? - HaiHo
Q: Isla, how did it feel being the only girl in the Four Horsemen? - arzoladianna

Fisher: You know, I gotta tell you I never felt like the only woman among the Horsemen. These guys are just so nice. I know everyone says that when they’re promoting a movie, but every single one of the guys on this were so inclusive, and it never crossed my mind, and I feel like it wouldn’t have crossed [my character] Henley’s mind, and so it was kind of right for the character. Franco: Isla was the funniest one on set, too. She kept us going through those late nights. Fisher: Oh, thank you. We did play some silly games, where we would try to guess – it’s so ridiculous, but we had a good time. There were long hours. I would say shooting an action movie, having never done one before – [to Franco] well you did 21 Jump Street, so I suppose there’s some action in that. Franco: Yeah, but not like this. Fisher: I did not know how many times – I mean, you put a bag down in the movie, they shoot it from underneath the bag, from the point of view of like, a bird in the sky, from this side, from that side – you really shoot a lot, a lot, a lot.

Q: What's your best advice on life? - Hannahhlala
Q: Dave: How did you feel to finally have a character that is not the bad guy? How long/difficult was it to learn to throw playing cards? How did you feel doing your own stunts and fighting Mark Ruffalo in the movie? Do you think there will be a series to this movie considering how it had ended? Isla: Was it difficult having to hold your breath for a long amount of time? How did you feel learning how to do magic tricks? Was it hard for you to speak in a normal American accent? Do you think there will be a series to this movie considering how it had ended? - Roselyn
Q: These questions are for Dave Franco : You guys can pick any one of my questions. 1. What projects you are currently working on? Which project is going to release first in the coming days? 2. What else would you be if you weren't an Actor? 3. How would you describe yourself in five words? 4. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? What turns you off? 5. Which super power do you like to have and why? 6. If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and what would say to them? 7. If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you? 8. What's your own definition of happiness? 9. What were your dreams as a child? 10. where do you see your self in next "5 to 10" years? 11. what do you do in your free time? 12. Who is your biggest influence in acting ? Who/what inspires you? 13. What age did you lose your virginity? [hahaha] 14. What advice would you give to people wanting to get into the acting scene? 15. Currently, What is your favorite song on ipod ? - divine280
Q: These questions are for Dave Franco : You guys can pick any one of my questions. 1. What projects you are currently working on? Which project is going to release first in the coming days? 2. What else would you be if you weren't an Actor? 3. How would you describe yourself in five words? 4. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? What turns you off? 5. Which super power do you like to have and why? 6. If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and what would say to them? 7. If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you? 8. What's your own definition of happiness? 9. What were your dreams as a child? 10. where do you see your self in next "5 to 10" years? 11. what do you do in your free time? 12. Who is your biggest influence in acting ? Who/what inspires you? 13. What age did you lose your virginity? [hahaha] 14. What advice would you give to people wanting to get into the acting scene? 15. Currently, What is your favorite song on ipod ? - divine280
Q: What musicians or albums are you listening to right now? - pettythangs
Q: Dave, what is the most embarrassing moment you encountered in your life, ever? - NuratiyahMohdFauzin
Q: Dave, what's the craziest prank you've ever pulled? - NuratiyahMohdFauzin
Q: Dave: How did you feel about getting a role in NYSM? Isla: Who was the co-star you felt most comfortable working with on the set? - jaszpers
Q: If you had a pet turkey what would you name him? - Elliec16
Q: The two of you are rather quiet on the internet; many celebrities have twitter, neither of you do. I was wondering why that is? Also, I know the two of you pick your projects very carefully and Now You See Me was great, what's next in store for each of you? - CecilyDreyfuss
Q: For Dave Franco. What was it like learning different magic tricks (like the rubik's cube trick), working with the rest of the cast, and playing a role where you weren't an asshole/douche. - julietjohnson97
Q: How long did it take you to completely learn all of your tricks? - BeccaBreitfeller

Franco So Mark and I, we both played sports our whole lives, so we insisted on doing all of our own stunts, and it was so much fun for me. I mean, I remember while we were doing it, I remember thinking, ‘Why would I wanna do these serious drama movies where I’m crying all day when I could be flippin’ over tables and jumping down trash chutes?’ And of course I do wanna do those more serious movies as well, but in the moment it’s just – I don’t know, I love the physicality of it all, and it really takes me out of my head and I just get into it.
Fisher- He’s so good at it. I mean, Mark was also, I think, a wrestler when he was at university, but the two of them, that scene, it’s kind of one of the best action sequences and what I love about this movie is that we really didn’t rely on CGI. As Dave says, he had the skills, fortunately, and so did Mark, to make that scene look so phenomenal. I mean, I just think – I love this movie and I’m so proud of it because everything you really see us do, aside from the odd, special effect, we actually do, and a magician could do, and I think that’s what people want during the summer. They wanna be surprised and refreshed, and they want a break from the aliens and the superheroes.

Q: Did you perform all of your own stunts? - BeccaBreitfeller

Franco: So Mark and I, we both played sports our whole lives, so we insisted on doing all of our own stunts, and it was so much fun for me. I mean, I remember while we were doing it, I remember thinking, ‘Why would I wanna do these serious drama movies where I’m crying all day when I could be flippin’ over tables and jumping down trash chutes?’ And of course I do wanna do those more serious movies as well, but in the moment it’s just — I don’t know, I love the physicality of it all, and it really takes me out of my head and I just get into it. Fisher: He’s so good at it. I mean, Mark was also, I think, a wrestler when he was at university, but the two of them, that scene, it’s kind of one of the best action sequences. What I love about this movie is that we really didn’t rely on CGI. As Dave says, he had the skills, fortunately, and so did Mark, to make that scene look so phenomenal. I mean, I just think – I love this movie and I’m so proud of it because everything you really see us do, aside from the odd, special effect, we actually do, and a magician could do, and I think that’s what people want during the summer. They wanna be surprised and refreshed, and they want a break from the aliens and the superheroes.

Q: Dave, will you marry me? :) Haha how can fans interact with you through social networks bc i know you don't have a twitter - Vicki
Q: Dave, Jack Wilder is sly and in a way smooth. Do you see any of yourself in Jack? - BeccaBreitfeller
Q: What was your favorite scene in Now You See Me? - arzoladianna

Fisher: Oh gosh, I’m gonna go for— Franco: I think we both have to go for the hand game. Fisher: Yeah, the hand game [laughs] Franco: It’s very intricate, so try to pay very close attention. So— Fisher: We would all put our hands in, the Horsemen, and we would basically — one of us would pick a finger, and then the other person would have to guess which finger they’d picked. Franco: Very, very complex. Don’t try it at home, you might get hurt. Fisher: But this would wile away hours, and we really got so into it. Franco: Really, cumulative, like 48 hours playing the hand game, yes.