Supermodel Ashley Graham revealed the secret to her smooth skin – using a traditional Chinese medicine practice called gua sha. 

“You don’t need filler, you just need gua sha,” she states.

The 35-year-old model and mother of three has previously shared her interest in Chinese medicine practice on Instagram, including cupping therapy (skin suction by heated cups) and acupuncture (inserting fine needles into the skin). 

Gua sha, aka kerokan, is a technique to scrape people’s skin with specifically designed tools that creates light petechiae, which many believe can release unhealthy components from blood stasis. 

Gua, in Chinese, means ‘scrape’, and sha means ‘petechiae’ (round spots that form on the skin). This treatment is a natural procedure that does not involve any chemicals.

“I’ve seen so many girls do it so wrong and I feel like I have the best teacher in the whole world,” added Graham when talking about gua sha. “Her name is Sandra Lanshin, and she’s also my acupuncturist. If you go on her TikTok or Instagram, she shows you exactly how to do it.”

To express her appreciation of gua sha as well as her mentor, Graham said, “I tell her all the time, like you are my Botox.”

As the mother of a three-year-old son and two one-year-old twin sons, whom she shares with her husband Justin Ervin, she has a very busy lifestyle. With the skills of practicing gua sha by herself, she found the biggest advantage of doing a skincare routine anywhere and anytime.


“I do it sometimes when I’m just laying in bed, on the train into the city, or in the middle of meetings,” said the Vogue model.

Graham also shared some gua sha tricks she discovered with her fans.

“It’s good for keeping the jawline snatched or to release tension in the neck. I even use it on my calves when I’m wearing heels too much.”

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