Earlier this month, Queen Elizabeth met with President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump during their visit to London. While the Queen of England was diplomatic and neutral, a Twitter user speculated that the Queen was shading Trump by her choice of brooches during his visit and a viral debate was launched. Finally, Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel commented on the situation.


On July 21, 2018, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert released a joke video clip titled “How The Queen Threw Shade At Trump.” The video included edited images of the Queen “protesting” Trump’s visit to London in multiple humorous ways. One image showed the Queen wearing a snapback hat that read “Are You Putin Me On?” Another, albeit more serious image, showed Queen Elizabeth wearing a clock around her neck captioned “Time’s Up, Don” in reference to the Time’s Up movement against sexual harassment. There are many allegations against Trump in regards to sexual harassment and assault.

Jimmy Kimmel Live released their own clip about the Queen’s possible shade on July 19, 2018. Kimmel  showed an actor dressed as a “palace spokesman” announcing that the Queen had proclaimed Trump “a big, fat dirty b—h.” The clip ended with audience applause and laughter and a joke from Kimmel that this wouldn’t “help at all.” The talk show host couldn’t help but to let out a chuckle of his own after the clip.

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Article by Samantha Rosalbo

Samantha has a B.A. in English Literature and the written word has always been her passion. When she's not reading or writing, Sam likes to consume and discuss all kinds of nerdy content and enjoy time with her friends and family. She lives in New York and is always ready for adventure.

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