Sean Malone, a local Boston actor, is in critical condition after nearly drowning at a beach in South Boston on Monday.

Sean Malone Rescued After Near Drowning In Boston

Malone, who played bit parts in Gone Baby Gone and The Fighter, was out swimming on Monday, July 20, when he reportedly got a bit too far out into the water. An off-duty firefighter, Chris Flaherty, was working out with a few other off-duty firefighters on the shore and became concerned when he saw how far out Malone was swimming. Flaherty reportedly grabbed a paddleboard and paddled out to Malone, and discovered that he had gone under water. Flaherty was trying to look for Malone in the water three teenage boys in a speedboat appeared “from out of nowhere,” according to sources.

John Feeney, 18, Joey Binda, 17, and Elliott Chauvet, 17, were getting ready for a fun day of tubing and water skiing when they spotted Flaherty waving his arms around as if he needed help. They picked him up and joined the search for Malone, quickly spotting him and helping rescue him under Flaherty’s direction. According to a report by The Boston Globe, Flaherty, Feeney and Chauvet performed CPR on Malone while Binda raced the boat to shore.

The group successfully brought Malone to shore, where they were met by two other off-duty firefighters who had been at the beach with Flaherty. They performed CPR until an emergency response team arrived and took Malone to the hospital, where he remains in critical condition.

“I’m really glad that nobody panicked. I’m just glad we got to rescue him. It brought me and my friends a lot closer. It’s kind of awesome that we saved a guy’s life,” Binda told reporters.

Binda added, “When I first called [my dad], he thought I crashed the boat or something, but he said he was really proud.”

The family of Sean Malone, which includes Malone’s brother Scott Malone, a Boston Fire Department deputy chief, released a statement thanking the good Samaritans that helped rescue Malone through Boston Fire Department spokesman Steve MacDonald.

“Sean’s family just wanted to pass on that they’re grateful for the work everyone has done so far to give Sean a chance, and they’re praying for the best,” MacDonald said.

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Article by Olivia Truffaut-Wong

Olivia Truffaut-Wong was born and raised in Berkeley, California, where she developed her love of all things entertainment. After moving to New York City to earn her degree in Film Studies, she stayed on the East Coast to follow her passion and become an entertainment writer. She lives on a diet of television, movies and food.

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