Sarah Palin blasted Fox’s Family Guy for mocking her son Trig’s Down syndrome on her Facebook page Tuesday, calling the depiction a "kick in the gut."

The controversy stems from Sunday’s Family Guy episode in which Chris Griffin goes on a date with a girl suffering from Down’s syndrome, who claims over dinner that her “dad’s an accountant” and “mom is the former governor of Alaska.” The episode also features Stewie’s rendition of a musical number titled “Down Syndrome Girl,” which went predictably viral within hours of the show’s conclusion.

The former Vice Presidential candidate’s daughter Bristol Palin also registered her feelings on her mother’s Facebook page explaining that although the son or daughter of a public figure must develop “thick skin,” insults hurled at the youngest Palin child “hurt too much for [the family] to remain silent.” She goes on to call for more compassion within our culture and labeled the show’s writers as "heartless jerks."

Earlier this year, Palin called for White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel‘s resignation for referring to certain independent liberal groups as "retarded." Fox has not commented on the episode but the show’s creator Seth MacFarlane told the L.A. Times that Family Guy is an “equal-opportunity offender.”

Palin’s Tuesday night appearance on The O’Reilly Factor provided another open forum for the former governor to express her outrage regarding the Family Guy episode and her desire to see Emanuel step down. However, when asked about conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh’s use of the ‘r-term,’ she was far more forgiving, calling it "purely satirical." –AHMED MORI

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