Some members of Pink Floyd have reunited, this time to voice their support for Ukraine amid their continuing war with Russia. This comes in the form of a new song, “Hey Hey Rise Up,” which also features Ukrainian singer Andriy Khlyvnyuk of Boombox’s performance of the protest song “Oh, The Red Viburnum In The Meadow,” he recorded upon returning to his homecoming during the Russian attack.

Founding Pink Floyd members David Gilmour and Nick Mason join frequent guest musicians for the band Guy Pratt and Nitin Sawhney on the track, which is accompanied by a music video blending footage from Khylvnyuk’s recording of his incredible vocal performance alongside the band’s accompaniment with colors of the Ukraine flag projected on them.

Gilmour told The Guardian he came up with the song idea when he saw Khlyvnyuk’s video and wanted to use it to raise money and spread awareness because “it’s so vitally, vitally important that people understand what’s going on there and do everything in their power to change that situation. And the thought, also, that mine and Pink Floyd’s support of the Ukrainians could help boost morales in those areas.”

The guitarist said he got to share the song with Khylvnyuk this past Tuesday finally and read his response out loud. “Thank you, it’s fabulous. One day we’ll play it together and have a good stout together, on me,” Gilmour said.

According to Pink Floyd, all proceeds from the song will be donated to Ukrainian. You can listen to the song on your preferred platform here, or watch the video below.


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Jacob Linden

Article by Jacob Linden

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