Nerdcore rapper and comedian MC Chris, 36, posted a teary apology on YouTube after suffering public backlash for removing a fan from his concert in Philadelphia on Tuesday night. Far from your average rowdy fan, Mike Taylor, a longtime devotee of MC Chris, attended the Powerglove concert and was disappointed by its opening act. “I wasn't digging his opener, Richie Branson. I felt his lyrics were lame and pandering to us gamers and other assorted nerd fans,” Taylor wrote in a Reddit post. “I also didn't think his delivery was good and his beats were mostly sampled from others songs and music (from games, anime and whatnot. I didn't like any of it, so I went on Twitter and Tweeted, 'Dear nerd rapper opening for Powerglove/mc chris. You're not good enough to pander to me. Better luck next time.'”

Apparently, the simple tweet was enough to send MC Chris over the top. The insulted rapper unleashed his wrath on the critical fan, possibly becoming the first artist to remove a concert-goer mid-act for publishing an offensive tweet. “Security is going to take you the f— out now! That's what you get for talking s— on Twitter!,” the rapper reportedly yelled at a humiliated and shocked Taylor. Chris also posted a rant on Facebook mocking those who initially defended Taylor, but this was later deleted, reports

But as fans and critics alike continued to cry out against the rapper’s bullying antics, Chris was forced to formally address the incident. Taylor ultimately received a refund, a Twitter apology, and even a full-blown apology video on YouTube from the artist himself. “It wasn't right, it wasn't cool. I did the wrong thing. I definitely made a mistake,” Chris said in the video. “I was just trying to do the right thing last night, it wasn't the right thing and I made a mistake and I made somebody feel bad,” the former Catholic artist laments, shedding a few tears as he promises to be a better person (2:23).

Watch the video apology here:

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