Tabloid dad Jon Gosselin, the former star of Jon & Kate Plus 8, and TLC, the network that propelled him into the limelight, ended their lengthy legal battle early Wednesday afternoon. According to TLC, they have "reached a settlement with Jon Gosselin and will be undertaking procedural steps to conclude the litigation. All terms of the settlement are confidential. The whole Gosselin family remain under contract with TLC."

As die-hard fans of the Ed Hardy-clad dad will recall, the protracted conflict began back in October when TLC filed a lawsuit against Gosselin for violating his exclusive contract with them and asked him to return any money he had made from other, unauthorized television appearances. In November, Gosselin fired back with a $5 million counterclaim, believing that his image, reputation, and financial situation had been damaged by his relationship with TLC. Additionally, Jon demanded that the network cease filming his children with his ex-wife, Kate Gosselin, thereby putting production of the hit show Jon & Kate Plus 8 on indefinite hold.

With this settlement, it’s possible that TLC’s filming of the children will resume, although fans of the show may want to be careful about celebrating too soon. According to People, one source states that TLC is fairly certain that there won’t be any new episodes of Jon & Kate in the works. –EMILIE LITTLEHALES

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