Former cast member Jason Sudeikis returned to reprise his impersonation of Joe Biden on Saturday Night Live amid allegations of unwanted physical contact against the former vice president (and likely 2020 presidential candidate).

In the cold open sketch, Biden’s aides inform him that he needs to undergo sensitivity training and cut down on the “touchy-feely stuff” if he plans on running for president in 2020.

“You guys know that I’m a tactful politician, right? I’m a hugger, I’m a kisser and I’m a little bit of a sniffer,” Sudeikis’ Biden says. “But the last thing I want to do is offend anyone.”

Biden then meets with a consultant played by Kate McKinnon and, upon introducing himself, goes nose-to-nose to greet her. “I’m 1 percent Eskimo, so I’m allowed to do the kisses,” Biden reasons.

The former vice president asks McKinnon about all of the things he is and isn’t allowed to do on the campaign trail, including tickling palms on handshakes and blowing on people’s bellies on their birthday. “What about that gorgeous lift they do at the end of Dirty Dancing, is that still okay?” he questions.

McKinnon tasks Biden with introducing himself in a respectful manner to two female voters.

The first interaction ends with the voter, Aidy Bryant, punching Biden in the stomach. The second voter, Leslie Jones, tells Biden that she is looking for a candidate to beat Donald Trump. “Oh, you mean the guy that actually bragged about assault on tape?” Biden asks.

“Yes. Yes,” one of his staffers responds. “But unlike his voters, your voters actually care.”


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