HBO has released the first trailer for their adaption of Ray Bradbury’s 1953 dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451.

Fahrenheit 451 is about censorship and the act of burning books in attempt to perserve order in a futuristic society. The premium network shared the first trailer of their adaption on Twitter on this week with the caption, “We must be made equal by the fire.”


The movie is directed by Ramin Bahrani and will star Michael B. Jordan as Guy Montag and Michael Shannon as Captain Beatty. Actress Sofia Boutella and YouTube star Lilly Singh are also set co-star in the movie.

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Jordan also shared the trailer with his fans on his Instagram account. He will be playing the main protagonist, Guy Montag, who learns to go against his dystopian society to fight to gain back his humanity.

Bahrani plans to make this adaption more relatable to today’s society, rather than in a futuristic setting. The series takes place in “an alternate tomorrow, right here right now,” he said at the Television Critics Association. While Bradbury wrote the book as a concern for the future, Bahrani believes that the future Bradbury was concerned about is our current society. “Between technological advancements and politics, I think Bradbury’s biggest concern is now,” he says.

The movie does not have a specific release date set, however, fans can expect to see it on HBO this upcoming May.


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