Britney Spears’ ex-husband, Kevin Federline, has provided an update on the relationship between the pop superstar and her two sons, Jayden and Sean Preston

The family’s complex dynamics have been a subject of public scrutiny for years, but a tentative step toward reconciliation may be underway. Since 2023, Britney has lived in Los Angeles, and Jayden and Sean live with Federline in Hawaii, 2,484 miles away. 

When it was reported that Spears received a Mother’s Day phone call this year from her sons after a long period of estrangement, Federline’s legal representative told Page Six, “The phone call was a good sign and a step in the right direction, but it’s a process that takes more than just a phone call to accomplish.” 

He continued, “Reconciliations and the reunification of relationships are difficult and take time… they are sometimes complicated and always lengthy. The process has not commenced, let alone [been] completed.”

The strained relationship between Spears and her sons has been well-documented. In 2022, Jayden said he and his brother hadn’t seen their mother in months. “I just want her to get better mentally,” he said. “When she gets better, I really want to see her again.”

Jayden has also expressed discomfort with Spears’s social media behavior and stated, “It’s almost like she has to post something on Instagram to get some attention.”

This sentiment echoed Federline’s concerns, as he acknowledged the impact of Spears’ online presence on their teenage sons to The Daily Mail. He explained he had told his sons, “‘Look, maybe that’s just another way she tries to express herself.’ But that doesn’t take away from the fact of what it does to them. It’s tough… I can’t imagine how it feels to be a teenager having to go to high school.”

In a now-deleted Instagram post, she responded to Jayden’s interview, “So Jayden, as you undermine my behavior just like my whole family always has with, ‘I hope she gets better, I will pray for her.'” However, Spears also revealed that she “misses [her] children desperately” and thinks of them daily.

Federline largely maintained primary custody of the boys due to Britney’s controversial 13-year conservatorship, which allowed her father to control her life, financial affairs and decisions before it ended in November 2021.

Federline’s attorney stated on June 25 that the “good thing is that the boys saw their mom was doing well and have a desire to speak with her.” 

The update follows reports that Spears has prioritized restoring her relationships with her family, including her children and her mother, Lynne Spears

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