Big Brother sent reigning queen of the house Amanda Zuckerman home last week, leaving her other half McCrae Olson to fend off the Exterminators – Spencer Clawson, Judd Maguire, Andy Heron and GinaMarie Zimmerman – on his own.

Had McCrae thought to keep Elissa Slater around after winning the last Head of Household competition, he may have had a fighting chance. Alas, since he put her on the block and the rest of the housemates voted her home, he’s entirely alone. When the Head of Household competition is underway, it's virtually inconsequential. Since McCrae can’t participate, it’s just the Exterminator alliance members against each other. GinaMarie is the early leader in the game, which involves recreating faces of housemates using blocks and then guessing their identity as the image comes into focus. Spencer, however, wins it in the end.

With his victory, Spencer also gets to “gift” his fellow competitors with some surprises. He gives GinaMarie and McCrae the gift of friendship, requiring them to be bound together by a friendship bracelet for 24 hours. He gives Andy the gift of wealth aka the chance to win up to $5000; he gets less than $100 from the piggybanks. Lastly, Spencer gives Judd the gift of health, which means he has to perform pushups and sit-ups whenever the intercom drill sergeant orders him to.

Tied together, McCrae and GinaMarie attempt to carry out playing the game without the other getting wise to their schemes. McCrae tries to lure GinaMarie into a final two alliance, but she claims that everyone is just playing for themselves. In reality, she’s beginning to feel like McCrae could be a legitimate threat and just wants him out of the house. She manages to have a “private” conversation with Spencer about him, before Spencer has a “private” chat with McCrae about how he wants GinaMarie evicted.

At the nomination ceremony, Judd and Andy are safe, which means the friendship bracelet-bound housemates – GinaMarie and McCrae – are on the block together. The Power of Veto has never been more important for McCrae to win.

Big Brother returns Wednesday on CBS at 8/7c.

– Chelsea Regan

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For More 'Big Brother' Recaps:

‘Big Brother’ Recap: Amanda Zuckerman & Elissa Slater Get Evicted; McCrae Olson Is New Head of Household

‘Big Brother’ Recap: Amanda Zuckerman & McCrae Olson Are On The Block; Spencer Wins

‘Big Brother’ Recap: Aaryn Gries Is Evicted, Amanda Zuckerman Makes Enemies In The House

‘Big Brother’ Recap: Amanda Saves McCrae With The Power of Veto; Andy Joins Aaryn On The Block

‘Big Brother’ Recap: Judd Maguire Stays Safe; Elissa Slater New Head Of Household; McCrae Olson & Aaryn Gries Are On Block

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