‘Big Brother’ Recap: Helen Kim Gets Evicted, Eliminated Housemates Fight For Spot Back In The Game
Helen Kim and Spencer Clawson were on the block when Big Brother returned on Thursday night with Aaryn Gries still holding down the fort as Head of Household.
Since she knows she’s the one being targeted, Helen tries every trick, promise and flattery in the book to forestall the eviction headed her way. Unable to keep her eyes dry for more than a few minutes, Helen cries to Elissa Slater about working with GinaMarie Zimmerman and Aaryn before letting out some fresh tears when Andy Heron comes into the room. She pleads with him to use his swing vote to save her, but he insists he’s not a swing vote.
After Helen basically threatens Andy with the wrath of America, he complains that it's not her job to tell him the difference between right and wrong – especially when it comes to self-preservation gameplay. He then goes off to tell Amanda Zuckerman how Helen was trying to manipulate him. Meanwhile, Helen goes to McCrae Olson and basically implies that he’s pathetic for latching himself onto Amanda and that their relationship will never work outside the house.
When Amanda and McCrae meet up to dish about their respective Helen intel, Amanda is incensed that Helen is calling her a bully. Of course, she asks McCrae to agree that she is not by any means a bully. Not knowing when to just nod his head, McCrae admits that she has some bossy tendencies. Those bossy tendencies, however, seem to be working since no one besides Elissa defies her wishes in the elimination ceremony.
McCrae, Amanda, Andy and GinaMarie all vote Helen out of the house. To her credit, Helen takes the eviction like a seasoned champ, saying farewell with poise and dignity. Amanda admits that she has a fair amount of respect for Helen, Elissa promises to fight for them both now and Andy, oddly enough, gives the snarkiest goodbye message – telling Helen that she wasn’t very nice to anyone. But it might not be goodbye for long.
After sitting down with Helen, Julie Chen reveals that one of the evicted will get a second chance in the house. Judd Maguire, Candice Stewart, Jessie Kowalski and Helen compete for the spot in a challenge called Off the Wall, while the remaining housemates simultaneously participate for Head of Household. If the first person to catch 10 balls while standing on a moving pedestal is one of the evicted, they get back in the game and HOH honors.
Before anyone catches 10 balls, the episode ends, leaving the returning contestant and HOH position up in the air until Big Brother returns on Sunday on CBS at 8/7c.
– Chelsea Regan
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For More 'Big Brother' Recaps:
'Big Brother' Recap: Elissa Slater Wins Power Of Veto, Aaryn Gries Puts Spencer Clawson On The Block
‘Big Brother’ Recap: Aaryn Gries Puts Power Couple Helen Kim & Elissa Slater On The Block
‘Big Brother’ Recap: Jessie Gets Evicted; Aaryn Gries Is Head Of Household Again
‘Big Brother’ Recap: Andy Heron Wins Power Of Veto, Leaves Spencer Clawson & Jessie Kowalski On The Block
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