Thirty years after the release of the original Ghostbusters comedy, the movie is back with an all female crew, with a trailer proving that the show will be as slimy as ever.

The trailer plays tribute to the famous New York Public Library scene from 1984 film which starred Bill MurrayDan AykroydHarold Ramis and Ernie Hudson. The reboot movie will star Kristen WiigMelissa McCarthyKate McKinnon and Leslie Jones, and director Paul Feig wants to make sure that everyone knows that it will not be the same movie.

“We wanted to plant a flag early,” Feig told USA Today. “People don’t know what this movie is. It’s a whole different team. But it’s kind of fun leading off with something iconic from the original.”

The reason he decided to make this a reboot instead of a sequel is because he wants the team to develop the technology themselves.

“I didn’t like the idea of them being handed the technology,” he said, “I wanted to see it develop. I’m such a tech head.”

A special thing about this reboot that the trailer revealed is the power of these ghosts to possess human form. One of them enters McCarthy’s body.

But one thing Feig does promise is that the iconic theme song will be incorporated, along with some new versions of the song.

Chris Hemsworth was also featured in the trailer, but very briefly and without any lines. The original Ghostbusters are all expected to cameo, with the exception of late Harold Ramis, but they were not featured in the trailer. Feig has said that his all-female cast isn’t meant to make a statement.

“I just want the funniest people and the funniest people I happen to know are these women,” said Feig.

Some have complained that the female strong film still falls into racial stereotypes because while white leads McCarthy, Wiig and McKinnon play engineers, Jones’ character is a simple subway worker.

Jones has taken to Twitter to defend her role:

The movie is produced by the original director, Ivan Reitman, and written by Katie Dippold.

The movie will be in theaters on July 15.

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