Maymo, one of YouTube’s most popular dogs, received a fun birthday present — his hilarious reaction was caught on video and quickly became viral on June 28.

Adorable Dog Maymo Plays In Ball Pit For Birthday

Maymo is well known across the internet as the cute lemon beagle, who always does something entertaining on video. Last week Maymo celebrated his birthday in child-like glee — after stewing in boredom for a few minutes anyway.

The video description noted that since Maymo loved getting 100 balls for his birthday last year, his owners decided to up the stakes and fill a DIY ball pit with 1000+ rainbow-colored balls (to celebrate gay marriage).

“At first Maymo thinks it’s just an ordinary day with us rearranging the furniture, but he perks up when he sees the box filled with 1000+ colorful balls,” the description reads.

In the video Maymo is seen lounging on the couch with his head down looking miserable. Poor Maymo believed that no one remembered his birthday. Suddenly, a big brown box appears and Maymo immediately lifts his head up.

The box unleashes hundreds of colored balls dumped onto the living floor, and Maymo doesn’t waste time jumping in. Maymo started biting and chewing the balls around him, wagging his tail in excitement. The video gets funnier when Maymo decided to dive into the pit of balls over and over again. Maymo hops on top of the couch then jumps back into the balls, then he hops on the other end of the couch and jumps in again.

Maymo finally appeared to be all dived out, as he slowly and adorably rolls over in the balls just to get a little bit of rest.

So Maymo’s birthday surprise was a success and the sleepy smile on his face highlights the dog’s good time.

Check out the cute birthday celebration for yourself.

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