Zac Efron stars in That Awkward Moment alongside real-life buddies, Miles Teller and Michael B. Jordan. The film zeros in on three best friends who struggle to manage the New York dating scene while maintaining their tight bond. “I know these guys, my best friends in the world I share things with that I can’€™t share with other people,” Efron told uInterview exclusively. “They teach me things, and I learn from them that nobody else could have taught me. They’re intelligent they’€™re funny, they’™re charismatic, they’€™re nerds. We have a bond. And I really think this movie examines that and then, also shows how we rely on each other through relationships. I don’€™t know I’ve never seen anything quite like it.”

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Q: ERIK MEERS: First of all congratulations to all of you, it'€™s a really fun movie. How does the movie present male relationships in different light than other movies we'€™ve seen before? - Erik Meers

MICHAEL B. JORDAN: The honesty of it all.

MILES TELLER: This one is more real I think because we're all actually friends.

ZAC EFRON: I know these guys, my best friends in the world I share things with that I can'€™t share with other people. They teach me things, and I learn from them that nobody else could have taught me. They're intelligent they'€™re funny, they'™re charismatic, they'€™re nerds. We have a bond. And I really think this movie examines that and then, also shows how we rely on each other through relationships. I don'€™t know I've never seen anything quite like it.

Q: EM: Neither have I. I think that'€™s one of the things that's really interesting - the chemistry between you guys... - Erik Meers

ZE: It sucked! [laughs]

Q: EM: [laughs] It seemed like you must have spent a lot of time off set as well kind of getting to know each other. Tell me a little about that and how you guys grew together through filming. - Erik Meers

MT: Yeah, I mean we all hung out. We stayed in the same hotel. We pretty much ate breakfast, lunch and dinner together every day, so we got up in the city, and the city provides itself to you. And we were all single, just having a good time.

ZE: You know New York is an amazing city. I'€™m from the West Coast born and raised California. And I haven'€™t experience it with my friends I've never sorta lived here this was my first chance, and we had a great leader Tom Gormican, the writer and director of the film. And I see the magic. I see why all sorta great romantic comedies are set here. This is like a city of love. City of late nights.

MBJ: Well that's Philly. The city of brotherly love.

MT: Brotherly love. Go Eagles! if we'™re talking - sports teams here.

ZE: I have an appreciation. A new appreciation.

Q: EM: Now, I have to ask, what were the awkward moments that you guys experienced while filming the movie? Were there any scenes that were more awkward? Obviously, there were some funny scenes. - Erik Meers

MBJ: €œA lot of fun moments. The awkward moments kind of came through the characters stuff I think between us. It was just us goofing off having a great time, you know? Tom just let us go just ad lib and find the magic in the scenes. But to be more specific, talk about these two planking or me just [bleep] off to some peanut butter chocolate then a phone number you €˜know that'™s kind of awkward.

MT: [laughing to MBJ] œI like how you got the flavor in there, some peanut butter chocolate!

ZE: It'€™s the title of the movie, I'm sure there'€™s a ton of awkward moments we experience in life, but between us three.

MT: Which wasn'€™t really the original title...

ZE: Between us three there are no awkward moments. We know each other too well. In fact, we relish the awkward moments because they'€™re funny.

MBJ: They're funny.

MT: They'€™re us!

ZE: I look forward to them.

Q: EM: If you had to pick one person to be your wingman out of this group who would you choose? - Erik Meers

MBJ: I mean you need two wingmen, you need a spotter and a go-get- her.

ZE: I think all four of us!

MBJ: Somebody's got to spot her and somebody has to be like the person to attack. You know then you have the mark then you have the guy who'€™s the hero.

MT: Mike has really broken it down. Mike has kind of has a plan of attack every time he sees a woman that he wants.

MBJ: [laughing]

EM: [laughing] Sounds like he's a good one!

MT: No because they always take him!

MBJ: Oh shut up!

MT: You know it's true! You get all the hot girls all the time.

MBJ: Not at all. I defer, I defer a lot!

MT: What am I supposed to do? I'€™m left with peanut butter chocolate on the toilet seat.

MBJ: With a phone number. You got the number.

MT: Thank you, so much! Appreciate it!