Space Oddity, a comedy-drama that premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival, follows Alex, who’s obsessed with space. He’s conflicted when he gets the chance to follow his dreams through a privately-funded program, meets a new girl in town named Daisy and has to decide between his future and his past.
A bill targeted at preventing childhood abuse in youth residential programs and backed by Paris…
Pete’s filing alleges, “Even now, while behind bars…despite being sentenced to ten years in prison… Gisele Pelicot’s ex-husband, Dominique, was sentenced to 20 years in prison on Thursday, Dec. 19, after…
Rodgers reflected on the challenges that come with upholding an alpha male presence on the…
Angelina Jolie says her children have seen "the pain" she has tried to hide from…
Yellowstone’s fanbase was left divided after the Season 5 finale was released on Sunday. After…