The Long Game documentary follows the true-life story of five teenage Mexican-American caddies who wanted to learn how to play golf. They created their own golf course in the South Texas desert and, without formal training, managed to compete and win against wealthy teams in the 1957 Texas State High School Golf Championship. In the film, Dennis Quaid plays Frank Mitchell, the boy’s assistant coach.

In an exclusive interview with uInterview at the South by Southwest Film Festival in Austin, Texas, Jaina Lee Ortiz discussed the message of the film.


“The message would be to walk away feeling inspired and motivated and to always remember to have the courage to stand up for what you believe in and to stand up for what’s right when you are faced with adversity and discrimination,” she said. “Like it’s 2022 but we love I love that we get to look back at history and recognize the people who you have stood up and really changed the course of history you know, we should always look back at those people because they’ve lived in a way harder time than us right now.”

Ortiz also revealed the most memorable moment from the film.

“Getting to work with my community, I love that,” she explained. “I mean, there’s such a big umbrella under Latinos, right, we’ve got Mexicans, Cubans, Colombians, Puerto Ricans, I mean the list goes on right, but the fact that we can recognize our differences and our similarities and come together and create beautiful stories, I love that. I that’s why I do this.”

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Article by Hailey Schipper

Hailey Schipper is a writer for and